Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Changes on the wind

Today my house contract went unconditional. There are no more 'escape clauses' left.

Now that I'm used to the idea, I'm a mixture of happy/excited and sad. Happy/excited because I can't WAIT to have my own space again, somewhere that's not temporary. Because seriously, having gone from an apartment full of stuff to my old bedroom at my parent's house meant I was constantly surrounded by boxes.

On the downside, I won't see my parents and sister nearly as much. And that's sad because the relationships will become less close. I know my mum will miss me terribly.

I've really enjoyed this year of 'working from home' every so often. I get to chat to my mum, my sisters, I get to play with my nephew. (And I also get to run around doing errands and no one will notice if I'm back late from my 'lunch break' - I make up the time later of course!) It's been awesome. :D

And only 5 weeks to go....

Thankfully, no more deadly early flights after this!


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