It's my last day of work. To celebrate, all of the 'office rules' are being broken and JR kissed me good morning in the corridor.
Also, I have tonsilitus. YAY. (not) I barely slept last night due to pain and have not packed at all. When Danny arrives tomorrow, I'll be puttin' the boys to work. ;)

This photo needs to be captioned 'Nic realises that it is actually VERY easy to load photos into a blog!'
Me with 1L of beer. :D Ah, Munich.
Oh dear
I leave Manchester in 5 days.
I have so much work (paid job) work to do.
I have not begun to pack up my flat.
I have not figured out my flights from Norway to Mexico.
I have 'goodbye events' on every night this week.
This shows what falling-in-love will do to you; it makes you not notice the passage of days!
Then again, I suspect I do this on purpose, leave everything until the last minute so that I'm so busy that the pain, of leaving friends and a big part of my LIFE, is lessened.
I will miss Manchester. It's where I found 'me'. Living here almost 2 years has caused me to grow so much and although it was very tough at times, I would not trade the experience for anything.
Ein Prosit!
Ah, Oktoberfest. Yes, my Aussie friends, it happens in September in Deutschland. And it was SO MUCH FUN.
Every time I visit Germany, I grow to love it more. Is it because it's my ancestral home? Or is it just the wonderful organisation, respect for rules and authority, and quaint charm of the people? The beauty of embracing a cultural festival (Oktoberfest) where they're not afraid to dress up and drink beer and eat meat, yet not become horribly unruly? Germans are just SO GOOD at organisation!
Elly & I visited
Neuschwanstein Castle, the fairytale castle in some of the most breathtaking surroundings I've ever seen. I missed this on the big Europe trip with Danny, Tuna etc and am so glad I finally got to see it. And since we were so close to Austria, OF COURSE we had to drive across the border and managed to see an awesome waterfall.
Foodwise, I had more beer than I've had in my life, and dinner on Saturday was half a fried chicken. Yikes. Munich's atmosphere was carnival like, with parades and costumes and 'vibe'.
Even if I did end up with Bruce's beer all over me (you shouldda seen us when we staggered off the plane, exhausted, happy, warpaint all over our faces, reeking of alcohol, but sad to have left). Not to mention the whole underwear-ripping-off incidents (not mine, but it happened to half the boys!) while the girls watched in horror and amusement.
And German beer-drinking songs! I almost never wanted it to end. Dancing on tables and singing and 1L beers and throwing clothing and beer wenches and so much atmosphere and laughter and group hugs.
But you know, there were wonderful things about coming home to Manchester too, like JR waiting for me with roses. :) :) :)
Cancelling Stuff
I've had a most productive afternoon researching how to turn everything 'off'.
Phone, Internet, Water, Electricity, rent payments, Council Tax payments, and if I've missed something obvious then let me know.
I HATE MOVING. So much stupid 'stuff' that you have to think about.
And I haven't even considered packing yet!
On another note, Xtina went home today and I miss her already! We had the most fantastic time - even if we did get drenched at the Lakes District! She's one of my international friends that I know I'll run into in another country someday, but never knowing where or when.
Tonight, Xtina is coming to visit for a week! I can't wait!!!
Although I realised today that she's a friend I've never said 'goodbye' to, because ever since I've known her, we've been living in relatively the same part of the world. That may change soon. :(
She'll be the first of the 'friends from home' to meet JR. The first one who knows Rochedale-Nic to see Manchester-Nic-with-a-boyfriend.