Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Been huntin' hobbits

I'll confess. I thought I was over it. Friends of mine camped out for the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' premiere in London and yes, I was tempted (especially afterwards when I saw the photos of them with the stars).

Yet I'd done the 'mature' thing. Gone to work instead. Put that kind of fannish behaviour in my past.

Until last night, 10:30 pm, and a friend texted me to say she'd just seen Elijah Wood on Oxford Rd, which is literally 2 minutes from my apartment. (He was at the performance of his girlfriend's band.)

And there went my night. ;) Okay, we never actually found him, but it was FUN. Sure, I could've been sleeping. Sure, I knew there was little chance of seeing him (and even if we did, what were we going to do anyway?) But that wasn't the point. The point was doing something a 'bit different' just because I could.


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