I feel really strong this week. :) I've climbed a mountain, swum a lot, gone out every night (even to Yeppoon and what an amazing memory-lane trip that was!) and this is on top of my 7 hour drive on Sunday night.
I've been pushing it. And I don't feel awful. Does that mean that GF is finally in remission? For good???
If I have no relapse this weekend (I'm going to a tropical island), I will be VERY happy.
Pretty bruises
It's not every day you can say you got hit by a flying brick!
Thankfully, Jono deflected it just enough to prevent it from hitting my head and it got my arm instead. Hence the rather colourful bruises that have decorated my arm the past few days, and yeah, they're pretty sore.
Moral of the story: it's not a good idea to weigh down a tarp with bricks, because when the wind comes up, mayhem ensues!
Persisting dreams
Over the past several weeks, I've had a recurring theme throughout my dreams. I wonder if it's God trying to tell me something or is it more that it's a subconscious desire of mine that makes itself known through dreams?
It's something I've chosen not to act on, but the dreams persist.
What would you do?
Maroon Dam at sunset

This is where we go water-skiing. So beautiful. :)
Male/Female friendship
This is a fabulous article, talking of the perils of male/female friendship.
I'll be honest here - I love my male friends. Truth is, I probably love them so much BECAUSE I'm not married: I have that deep need for male companionship and since that's not fulfilled marriage-wise, I turn to the next best thing, male friendship.
But as this article points out, there's a danger in that.
I've noticed male friends in my life 'drop away' when a woman comes onto the scene and he becomes consumed with her. And although I can't be upset with him for that, it does leave a hole in my life.
Conversely, I think I cling to my 'brothers' a little too much at times. Especially when they're a person who is beautiful inside, someone who would make a wonderful husband, and of course I am drawn to that even though I recognise that it's not romantic love in the traditional sense.
Perhaps I should just concentrate on female and group friendships, but then I feel like there's a whole dimension of my life missing and yes, I can try to fill that gap with God, but it's not the same.
The Australian Gospel Music Festival was so much fun - it was my second time and dustier than I remembered, but the company made it worth it. :)

This photo doesn't show everyone, but I am lucky to have such an awesome group of friends who put up with me even when I get (very) grumpy on my birthday!
One of the highlights was seeing "Half Way Out" - who drew a huge crowd - and they were awesome!!! Of course the youngest Puk HAD to come along to see his father perform....

And of course, with Kerryn in the group, you do get to take a lot of silly photos! Although I really should photoshop Danny's body out.
Late night calls
I have a couple of male friends who randomly call me late at night.
And it got me thinking. Am I just a 'late night comfort call'? If I were married, they certainly wouldn't be calling me. If they had girlfriends, they'd call them. So what does that make me? The 'backup girlfriend who is on call when I need her'? Should I be upset by this behaviour? Maybe I should just stop answering.
I'm really questioning male/female friendships lately. They do fulfil an emotional need - and by the very filling of that need, it keeps you further from marriage. After all, how can a potential spouse move into a space that's already taken up?
Of course, I then look at my life, and most of my closest friends are guys. Oops.