Thursday, April 12, 2007

Male/Female friendship

This is a fabulous article, talking of the perils of male/female friendship.

I'll be honest here - I love my male friends. Truth is, I probably love them so much BECAUSE I'm not married: I have that deep need for male companionship and since that's not fulfilled marriage-wise, I turn to the next best thing, male friendship.

But as this article points out, there's a danger in that.

I've noticed male friends in my life 'drop away' when a woman comes onto the scene and he becomes consumed with her. And although I can't be upset with him for that, it does leave a hole in my life.

Conversely, I think I cling to my 'brothers' a little too much at times. Especially when they're a person who is beautiful inside, someone who would make a wonderful husband, and of course I am drawn to that even though I recognise that it's not romantic love in the traditional sense.
Perhaps I should just concentrate on female and group friendships, but then I feel like there's a whole dimension of my life missing and yes, I can try to fill that gap with God, but it's not the same.


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