Thursday, May 11, 2006

Flashing the Window Cleaner

It's been sunny for 5 days now and I've been leaving the bedroom curtains open to let in the gorgeous sunlight. Now, I'm usually quite cautious about who can see 'in' but since I'm in a flat, there is NO ONE who can casually stroll past and look through the windows. I've checked this from several angles and there aren't any neighbours who can see in either.

This morning I strolled back into my bedroom, pulling off my shirt over my head, and heard a noise. Looked up. Screamed, and dropped to the floor. I had just flashed the window cleaner and now I was hiding by the side of the bed. I knew I had to get out of there, so I crossed my arms over my chest and bolted out of the room.

And tripped over the washing line, still in full view of the window cleaner.

Is it any wonder I spent the next 10 minutes hiding out in the kitchen until I could be sure he'd gone???

Yes, it seems I still am Bridget Jones.


At 8:30 PM, Blogger boarderbob said...

That's hilarious! :p


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