Tuesday, February 05, 2008

21st century consumer society

I'm getting a lot of flack from my friends lately, for not spending money. They know I'm on a higher income than they are (conveniently forgetting it's a solo income). They see my empty house. They see me sleeping on an old bed, or using a plastic chair to sit at the counter. And they ask me:

Why don't you buy a new bed?

Why don't you buy a dinner table?

Why don't you go get some furniture?

The question is invariably followed with, "It's not like you can't afford it."

...how materialistic has our society become??? Sure, I can go into greater debt to purchase these household luxuries. But do I need them? In my mind, no. Posessions, 'stuff', just weighs us down. The more you have, the harder it is to let go of something.

Besides, what if I go out and buy the bedroom suite and fill up my house... what happens if I can't find work? I certainly won't be able to return the items and reselling always causes one to lose money. Even having a mortgage is so OPPOSITE to my philosophy: I've always been the person who does not believe in credit. Ever.

So I get called cheap (rather than frugal) for not fitting the 21st century mould of "Buy what you want!" I've been there, done that, and have the STAR WARS collection to show for it.


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