It's been a fun few days. I couldn't bear to stay in Manchester any longer so as soon as JR was gone, I booked myself a flight outta there. A nice journey to Kuala Lumpur, a 1.5 day stopover in blissful 30 degree heat where I wandered through parks, swam, walked in a rainstorm and did some shopping as well, and then...
home to Aus. No one knew I was coming. It was BRILLIANT seeing the looks on everyone's faces. I just rocked up on the doorstep (lucky my brother was home!) and spent the next day and a half surprising people. :D
Now I have to figure out what to do next. The main thing on the agenda is RECOVER because I am still kinda frail after all of the illness. But warm, sunny Brisvegas, with the love of my family, is a pretty good cure. :)
Homeless and Jobless
As my recovery continues, I find myself moving from friend's place to friend's place. I said goodbye to JR on Friday (and even typing that is hard), and have been staying at Bruce's. Tomorrow I go to Mel's in London - and I'm thinking about spending a couple of days at a Health Spa. Just to treat myself while I 'wait'.
Life in limbo. It's interesting. I'm so lucky to have friends to take me in while I figure out what's next.
Coughing up pieces of tonsil
Yes, really. It's a whole new experience.
MESSAGE FOR DANNY - I won't make it to Oslo either. :( :( :( But at least the infection is finally starting to clear up and I don't have to go into hospital.
MESSAGE FOR EVERYONE: Edinburgh fell through, but there is another potential job that I'm waiting to hear about. It should be confirmed early next week. If not, waitress-land, here I come!
Looking on the Bright Side
So I'm stuck in Manchester longer than I thought I would be... but on the bright side, it's been pretty amazing getting to spend this 'bonus time' with JR.
I fall more in love every day, not for any particular reason, it's more just being around him. :) (Saying goodbye on Friday, even though it's temporary, is going to hurt so much.)
Hopefully tomorrow I can get my tonsil drained so that I will be able to eat solid food again. Then... will I make it to Oslo?
Unhappy health update
4th doctor visit today, to find out that yes, I AM horribly allergic to not only the first, but the replacement medications they gave me. No wonder I felt so ill.
It's 'acute tonsillitis'.
I have new medication and I REALLY hope I'm not going to react badly to this too.
If my tonsils haven't improved by Friday, I have to go into hospital to have them drained.
If that doesn't help, it might be glandular fever.
I WISH I WAS IN NORWAY!!! :( :( :(
I feel even worse because I've abandoned Danny there on his own and we were going to have so much fun! I really hope I get better in the next 48 hours so I can do at least part of the trip....
Stuck in Manchester
Tonsillitis took a turn for the worse. This is the sickest I can ever remember being. With vomiting every few hours there was no way I was getting on a plane to Norway. at JR's and he is being AMAZING to me. He's taken such good care of me. I am so lucky to have him. The only problem is, now he's coming down with it too. :(